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The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government. There are seventeen operational prisons located across Scotland: sixteen directly operated by SPS and one operated by a private sector operator under contract to SPS. 

We directly employ around 4,900 staff. We are responsible for those who are committed to our care by the Courts and are accountable to the Scottish Parliament for the delivery of custodial care in accordance with The Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Rules 2011.

We operate a Victim Notification Scheme for registered victims of crime, who have the right to receive information about the progression and eventual release of people convicted of the offence against them. We also manage the contract for the Scotland-wide Court Custody and Prisoner Escorting Service for the provision of safe and secure transport for those in custody to and from courts, and appointments on behalf of multi-agency justice partners. 

We deliver our work in accordance with our seven organisational values:


we believe that people can change


we are inclusive, respecting the needs, rights and voices of everyone equitably


we work with others to achieve the best outcomes


we have high ethical, moral and professional standards


we care about people and believe that positive relationships are a critical enabler of change


we cannot do this on our own, we recognise that we need to work with and learn from others


we continually find ways to improve the delivery of prison services in Scotland

Staff member at gate in Low Moss
Staff member at gate in Low Moss


Latest news and major project updates from SPS.

Boardroom in Low Moss
Boardroom in Low Moss


More information on our financial and wider accountabilities, our approach to staffing and other organisational matters.

Staff in the boardroom in Low Moss
Staff in the boardroom in Low Moss


We recognise the importance of transparency and the benefits it can bring.

Corridor in Low Moss
Corridor in Low Moss


We value the distinctive role of partners across all sectors in helping us respond to the challenges we face and deliver better outcomes for those in our care, our communities, and Scotland as a whole.

Staff member in woodwork workshop at Low Moss
Staff member in woodwork workshop at Low Moss

Prison Industries

This page will provide you with information on the current range of products manufactured in SPS Establishments.

Chaplain speaking with prisoners
Chaplain speaking with prisoners

Equality and Human Rights

Our vision for valuing diversity, promoting equality and human rights.