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The SPS recognise that we have responsibilties not simply for those in our custody but equally importantly, the wider community.

This page is intended to sign-post some of the activities of SPS which may assist but also offer details of various agencies who may be able to provide valuable advice and support.

Chaplain speaking with prisoners
Chaplain speaking with prisoners

Victim support

There are many organisations in Scotland that can offer you help and support. Some of these organisations have local offices. For more details contact the organisation directly.

Staff at reception desk in Stirling
Staff at reception desk in Stirling

Victim Notification Scheme

The Victim Notification Scheme (VNS) is an opt-in scheme in Scotland. It came into force on 1 November 2004 and is the statutory basis on which victims can receive certain information about an offender. 

Staff members and prisoners in the hall at Low Moss
Staff members and prisoners in the hall at Low Moss

Early Release of Short-Term Prisoners

A new law has come in into force which will change release dates of some of those in our care who are serving short term sentences (less than four years), from February 2025.