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We value the distinctive role of partners across all sectors in helping us respond to the challenges we face and deliver better outcomes for those in our care, our communities, and Scotland as a whole.

At a national level we work with justice partners such as Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service (SCTS) and Parole Board for Scotland through the Justice Board and associated partnership arrangements.

We also work with community justice partners through Community Justice Scotland, local government through engagement with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), social work through Social Work Scotland and housing through the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO).

Strong partnership working at national and local level is also in place with the DWP and Social Security Scotland to ensure those in and leaving our care have access to appropriate benefits, payments and employability support.

The third sector plays an important part in improving community justice outcomes. At a national level, SPS works with the Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum (CJVSF) to facilitate third sector engagement around strategic issues and tackle shared challenges.

We also manage the contract for the Scotland-wide Court Custody and Prisoner Escorting Service for the provision of safe and secure transport for those in custody to and from courts, and appointments on behalf of multi-agency justice partners. Geoamey commenced operations in January 2019.

Staff in the hallway at Low Moss
Staff in the hallway at Low Moss

Third Sector

Charities and voluntary groups across a range of areas including addictions, recovery, mental health and wellbeing, provide invaluable support to people in custody.

Corridor in Low Moss
Corridor in Low Moss


The responsibility for the provision of health care services to prisoners transferred from the SPS to the National Health Service (NHS) in November 2011. 

Group of prisoners in the art room at Low Moss
Group of prisoners in the art room at Low Moss

Learning and Development

Across all SPS sites the majority of learning provision is delivered via a contracted provider, Fife College. 

Staff member in woodwork workshop at Low Moss
Staff member in woodwork workshop at Low Moss

Skills and Employability

We provide access to meaningful and relevant training, education, and work opportunities for individuals in custody.

Staff members and prisoners in the hall at Low Moss
Staff members and prisoners in the hall at Low Moss

Flexible Release

Individuals can be released up to two days before their earliest date of liberation (EDL), where this will improve their access to support services to help facilitate reintegration into the community.

Providing support
Providing support

Housing - SHORE (Sustainable Housing On Release for Everyone)

Having somewhere to stay on release from a period of time in custody is key to successful reintegration into the community and is often the means to accessing other services.