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The Scottish Government’s Victim Notification Scheme (VNS) is an opt-in scheme in Scotland. It is the statutory basis on which victims can receive certain information about an offender.

It is partly managed and administered by the Scottish Prison Service. Our VNS team are available to help with any enquires, either on our dedicated phoneline or by email, Monday to Friday (between 8am-3pm).

Phoneline - 0131 330 3664 (Direct to our VNS team)
Email  - [email protected]

How can I register for the Victim Notification Scheme?

The process of how to register and the type of information you are entitled to, depends on the sentence length of the offender.

  • Where the offender is convicted and is serving less than 18 months you will be able to register on the Victim Information Scheme (VIS)
  • Where the offender is sentenced to 18 months or more, you will be able to register on the full Victim Notification Scheme (VNS)

Where the offender is sentenced to less than 18 months

  1. Contact our team on the phone number or email above to request to join the ‘Victim Information Scheme’. We will take your contact details and ask for details of the offender (name, PF reference number if known and name of Court)
  2. A check is then carried out with the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service to confirm you are eligible to be registered on the ‘VIS’ scheme
  3. Once confirmation is provided to us, a member of our team will call you and provide you with the release date that is held for the offender
  4. Should there be any change to the release date for the offender after you have registered, we will contact you again to advise you of the new release date

Where the offender is sentenced to 18 months or more

The full Victim Notification Scheme, commonly referred to as the ‘VNS’, has two parts and victims can register for either part 1 only or for both parts 1 and 2. 
When an offender is sentenced to 18 months or more at Court, COPFS’ Victim Information Advice team send victims an application form to complete and return to SPS’ VNS team to register. 

If you have not received an application form, please call COPFS’ VIA team on 0300 020 3000. On the application form you will tick what parts you are registering for;

Part 1 gives you the right to know certain information about the offender. For example, you will be informed:

  • the date of the offender's release – (but not their location after release)
  • if the offender dies before being released
  • if the offender is transferred out of Scotland
  • if the offender is eligible for temporary release from prison
  • if the offender escapes or absconds
  • if the offender returns to prison for any reason and it's connected to your case

Part 2 allows you to make written representations about the release of the offender, including temporary release or to send written comments to the SPS (for temporary release) or the Parole Board for Scotland (where the offender is being considered for release on Parole).

When we receive your application form, we will register you, and then send you a letter confirming your registration and provide you with the offender’s critical dates and an information booklet which contains sentence type information and how you can access support.

Accessing Support

There are many organisations in Scotland that can offer you help and support. Contact details for many victim support organisations can be found on our website.

Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses

The Scottish Prison Service in partnership with Police Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and the Parole Board for Scotland has published a shared document containing Standards of Service for Victims.

Staff and prisoner at desk in Stirling