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SPS Policies

The SPS have developed a corporate approach to delivering holistic family support based on 4 key strands covering Families, Parenting, Children and young people, and Child Protection.

Encouraging Family Contact

We recognise that children and families are hugely motivating factors that can influence behaviour change, and we are committed to working with families, community, and voluntary sector partners in order to maintain meaningful family contact throughout a period of imprisonment.

Family relationships are dynamic and can be challenging, meaning that we must take a person-centred approach and be sensitive to the needs of those in our care, families, children, and young people. Where there is an opportunity to build on positive relationships or develop them, we take steps to support families and those in our care to sustain them. 

How will we do this?

We have developed a Family & Parenting Strategy for 2024-29 that outlines how we will deliver on four key outcomes:

  • Families and wider social networks will be supported to maintain positive relationships with people in our care;
  • Families feel included and engaged in the decisions that affect them and are informed on how to access key information;
  • Parents in our care will be able to access supports which assist in maintaining positive relationships to improve their child's health and wellbeing where it is appropriate; and
  • Families are safe and well and have access to a range of services that supports their safety and wellbeing.

Corporate Parenting Strategy

We have developed a Corporate Parenting Strategy for 2024-26 (download here), which outlines our method of supporting care leavers and looked after children in custody. 

The strategy adopts a person-centred, rights based, and trauma-informed approach that supports positive family environments, social networks and relationships. 

This strategy contributes towards achieving improved mental, physical health and wellbeing of our care experienced young people in line with our commitments in our Corporate Plan for 2023-28.

How will we do this?

  • Listen and engage with our young people
  • Promote positive relationships
  • Inform young people of their rights
  • Staff will understand their roles and responsibilities
  • Collaborate with other corporate parents and improve where possible.

Child Protection Policy

We have a duty to protect children and young people who visit or contact our establishments and those in our care from harm and abuse. This includes:

  • Children visiting our establishments and Visitor Centres
  • Children being cared for by a mother in custody
  • Young people in our care
  • External Facing roles
  • Information staff receive during their duties.

Child protection is the responsibility of all who interact with children and families, regardless of whether that work brings them into direct contact with children and young people. We have procedures which set out the roles and responsibilities for staff, including non-SPS staff, working across the SPS estate. 

The Child Protection policy has been brought into line with the Scottish Government’s National Guidance and applies to SPS and its private sector partners. It focuses on child protection in a SPS context, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for staff and step-by-step guidance on the reporting procedure which must be followed. 

The policy's key aims are:

  • The welfare of children and young people is always paramount
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse must be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
  • All staff are supported to recognise potential signs of harm/abuse; respond to their obligation to protect children/young people; and report and record concerns through the correct reporting procedures.

Children’s Visits Policy

Child-specific visits are available throughout the SPS estate and are provided in addition to a person in custody statutory visiting rights. They provide an opportunity for parents to interact with their child/children and spend time together in a relaxed environment.  These are applied for by the person in custody. 

The factors detailed below are intended as a guide and each application should be considered on its own merits: 

  • The child or children must be under the age of 17.
  • The person in custody requesting the visits must be the parent, stepparent, kinship carer of the child or have, or have had, the responsibility for the care and custody of the child. Applications may be considered where such a relationship has not been established however there should be compelling grounds for accessing these visits. Any exceptions to the normal criteria should be considered by a Head of Operations on an individual basis.
  • Confirmation must be made there are no child protection/welfare concerns or issues; and
  • Any parent who is allowed to have access to their child/children will normally be able to apply for children’s visits

Conditions of Children's Visits:

  • The child must be accompanied to the visit by one approved responsible adult and this person will be aged 18 or over. 
  • A person aged 16 or over may accompany a child with the prior approval of the head of operations at establishment. 
  • The accompanying adult will be responsible for the care of the child during the visits.