We recognise that time in custody may represent an opportunity for people in our care to access meaningful and relevant training, education, and work opportunities.
Supporting and motivating individuals to engage provides opportunities for people in our care to develop skills and qualifications which will enhance their work readiness in preparation for release.
Employability Partnerships
We foster both local and national partnerships with statutory organisations and employers. These employability partnerships provide a model for external partners to host their training or work opportunities, within a prison environment.
Additionally, understanding the employment landscape allows us to consider how best to match opportunities within specific employment markets to training and development for those in our care.
Through the Employability Partnerships models, we are inviting offers for partner led initiatives which will:
- Provide a range of structured training and upskilling opportunities for those in our care
- Provide opportunities for those in our care to gain qualifications with external value
- Increase the employment prospects for those in our care
- Be financially viable and sustainable.
Community Placement
We have a track record of providing resources to organisations for mutual benefit.
The participation in a community work placement provides an opportunity for those in our care to utilise the skills that they have learnt to the benefit of the placement provider, whilst also expanding the individual's skillset and allows for the gradual reintroduction of those who have been in custody back into society in a measured and structured basis.
If you feel that your organisation would be able to offer community placements to individuals within our care, please contact the Enterprise and Employability Team at HQEnterpriseandEmployability@prisons.gov.scot
Production and Manufacture
We have excellent production facilities in our establishments, and have a track record of producing quality products for wholesale or end-user. We also consider opportunities to be part of an organisation's supply chain.
For more information, please visit our Prison Industries page.
Tel: 01501 773 979
Email: SPSIndustries@prisons.gov.scot